

4062 Uppsatser om Stress and coping - Sida 1 av 271

Några unga mäns stressupplevelser och coping i gymnasieskolan

Studien undersöker fem manliga gymnasieelevers upplevelse av stress och coping genom intervjuer. Respondenterna upplever att flera delar av skolan är stressande men mest så på examinationer. Respondenterna avänder olika former av coping och de som klarar skolan bäst använder en intern locus of control och problemfokuserad coping. Studenterna som misslyckas i skolan trivs inte där och använder extern locus of control och undvikande coping med betoning på socialt stöd..

Akdemisk stress : Universitetsstudenter från samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet och psykologprogrammet.

Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet (n=70) och psykologprogrammet (n=70) i akademisk stress och strategier för att hantera stress. Deltagarna bestod utav universitetsstudenter och mätinstrumentet för studien var en enkätundersökning med skalorna ?Akademisk stress?, ?kognitiv coping-strategi?, ?Social support?, ?Sociala kontakter? och ?positiva-och negativa coping-strategier?. Det visade sig att det inte fanns någon skillnad mellan studenter från samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet och studenter från psykologprogrammet i hur akademisk stressade det var. Det fanns inget signifikant samband mellan programmens sociala stöd, sociala kontakter, kognitiva coping-strategier eller sättet att hantera positiva och negativa coping-strategi på.

Bussförares konstruktioner av stress och coping i samband med passagerarkontakt : En kvalitativ studie av tio bussförare

Previous studies of Stress and coping regarding urban bus drivers describe an unhealthy occupation in areas of psychological and physiological factors. In the present study a social constructionist approach was used to investigate Swedish urban bus drivers' constructs of Stress and coping regarding passengers. Semi-structered interviews were performed with ten bus drivers, nine males and one female. The data was transcribed verbatim and analysed with the program QSR NUD*IST.Three main themes where found; passanger related context, coping strategies and promoting circumstances. The bus drivers' constructs describe passanger relations as part of a stressful work environment where successful coping is problematic..

Finns det ett samband mellan graden av upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress och copingstrategi hos grundskolepedagoger?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there was any connection between coping strategies; emotional and cognitive strategy and perceived level of stress among primary school teachers in primary and middle school. It was also investigated whether there was a difference between full-time and part-time employees and perceived level of stress. As a theoretical background Lazarus' transaction theory of stress was used as an explanation of mental stress, Lazarus coping strategies for stress and Karasek?s and Theorell?s model of psychosocial work environment was used to explain unhealthy at work. To measure coping we used Coping inventory resources and to measure the stress we used Percieved stress scale.

Lärare, stress och coping : Om passiva och aktiva copingstrategier

Gunnarsson, A & Henriksson, A (2008) Lärare, stress och coping: Om passiva och aktiva copingstrategier. B-uppsats i pedagogik 7,5 hp. Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och psykologi. Abstract Syftet med denna undersökning var att utforska vilken coping av passiv och aktiv som lärare på en högskola i Sverige uppger att de använder sig av. Lärares stress och copingstrategier är ett område som har uppmärksammats länge och majoriteten av forskarna på området menar att strategin passiv coping i störst utsträckning används av lärare (Pomaki & Anagnostopoulou, 2003; Rieg et al., 2007, Griva & Joekes, 2003; och Markham, 2000).

Kuratorers personliga upplevelser av stress och coping på ett akutsjukhus i Stockhol

AbstractTitle: Welfare officers personal experiences of Stress and coping in an emergency hospital in StockholmThe purpose with this study was to describe how welfare officers in an emergency hospital experienced stress in their workplace and what coping strategies they used. Through qualitative interviews the welfare officers thoughts and experiences were examined. The result showed that welfare officers experienced some stress at the workplace; this was related to lacks in the organization, heavy workload and short of time. The most commonly used coping strategies were social support, physical training, short breaks during the day to handle the stress at work. The conclusions of this study was that factors that reduces stress for welfare officers who work at emergency hospitals was a functioning organization and management, the ability to control and at some levels effect their own work, to have guidance and other opportunities to ventilate with co-workers.

Stress En kunskapsöversikt

Syftet med min studie var att ta reda på hur kunskapsläget ser ut när det gäller ämnet stress, med hjälp av frågeställningen; Hur beskrivs och diskuteras ämnet stress av forskare i utvalda delar av forskningslitteraturen? För att ta reda på detta använde jag mig av kvalitativ metod en selektiv kunskapsöversikt. Resultat och analys redovisades i tre teman tillsammans med teorierna coping och KASAM. Slutsatsen med studien är att största bidragande orsak till uppkomsten av stress symptom handlar om arbetsrelaterad stress med fokus på arbetsmiljön. Med hjälp av hög grad av KASAM kan individer utveckla användbara copingstrategier för att möta och hantera den skadliga stressen. .

Sjuksköterskors hantering av stressfyllda situationer i arbetet/ Nurses dealing with work related stress

Background: The majority of nurses experience work relatedstress, which can lead to a negative impact on patient care. Thestress can be handled by coping strategies. Aim: To illuminatecoping strategies among nurses experiencing work relatedstress. Method: The study has been accomplished as aliterature study, with a systematic review of scientific articles.Findings: Following coping strategies appeared: problemsolving, long-term strategies, passive strategies, leisurestrategies, social support and mental strategies. Conclusion:Awareness of coping strategies for dealing with work relatedstress, can lead to improvement in patient care..

Sjuksköterskans hantering av daglig stress i arbetet - en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe how nurses cope with their daily stress at work. A literature review was made to answer the research question, data was gathered from two databases; Academic Search Elite and Medline (via Pubmed). The result which was based on 20 scientific articles showed that nurses used problem-focused and emotional-focused coping strategies to deal with the stress at work. Most of the nurses used emotional-focused coping strategies by practise some kind of physical activities, avoid and take distance from the problem. Using these strategies was negative correlated with burnout and psychological health.


The aim of this study was to study how Swedish youth national football players handle stressful events in sports. A longitudinal questionnaire diary was constructed from a revised version of Nicholls and Polmans (2007) design with the intention of recording in-sport and psychosocial stress, choice of coping strategy and coping effectiveness. The participants were 59 Swedish youth national football players born 1992 observed during a four day national training camp held by the Swedish Football Association. Data were drawn from a quantifying analyzing method. The main result showed that the most common stressors reported were, physical injury or pain, experiencing teammates or opponents to perform better and feeling generally insecure during training camp.

Genus, stress och coping

Huvudsyfte med studien var att se om det finns någon skillnad mellan könen avseende stress och copingstrategier. Även samband mellan coping och upplevd stress undersöktes. Försökspersonerna utgjordes av 13 män och 28 kvinnor. Den metod som använts för undersökningen var kvantitativ då syftet var att jämföra svaren inom urvalsgruppen med varandra. Dataanalys gjordes med t-test för oberoende grupper och med partiellkorrelation.

Sjuksköterskors hantering av arbetsrelaterad stress

Bakgrund: På många arbetsplatser världen över erfar sjuksköterskor stress ochupplever sin yrkesroll som psykiskt påfrestande samt att den genererar litenegenkontroll. Av den orsaken behöver sjuksköterskor vara uppdaterade samt hakunskap om olika coping-strategier som kan användas för att hantera denarbetsrelaterade stressen då hen riskerar att drabbas av såväl fysisk- som psykisk ohälsa.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka coping-strategiersjuksköterskor använder för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress. Metod: Litteraturstudienbaserades på totalt 16 vetenskapliga artiklar varav fyra var av kvalitativ art och 12 avkvantitativ art. Artiklarna granskades och analyserades utifrån en summativinnehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet sammanställdes till fyra huvudkategorier;Problemfokuserad-, Emotionsfokuserad-, Omdefinierande-, samt Undvikande coping.Huvudkategorierna innehåller subkategorier med tillhörande coping-strategiersjuksköterskor använt sig av vid hantering av arbetsrelaterad stress.

Coping och upplevd stress hos framtida poliser : en jämförande studie av stress bland studenter på polishögskolan och studenter på universitetet

The purpose of the following study is to examine whether or not differences can be found between a group of aspiring police students (N=59) and a student group (N=20). Comparisons were made between the following variables: general illhealth, subjective experienced stress, trait anxiety and the three coping strategies, which are emotion focused coping, problem focused coping and seeking social support. In addition the results were compared with former research on the general illhealth and trait anxiety of the police students with that of a group police officers with several years of experience (N=69).The result of this showed that the police students had a significantly better level of general than the studentgroup. Several positive relations between the variables were found, among others between illhealth and trait anxiety, subjective experienced stress and trait anxiety and also between different types of coping strategies and subjective experienced stress..

Personlighetstyper och stressrespons hos djur ? med fokus på hund och häst

Animals living in captivity are often subjected to various kinds of stress. Individuals within species can respond differently to the same stressor depending on differences in coping style and physiology. Active and passive coping is a common way to describe different coping styles in animals and it is likely that these strategies have a high heritability. Individuals with an active coping style are characterized by an urge of control and a higher level of aggression than individuals with passive coping style, who in general are more flexible and respond to stress by immobilisation to a greater extent. The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate the presence of different coping styles and personality types in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and horses (Equus ferus caballus) and to find fields of application for this information.

Stress is always present, Stress och coping hos personalen på en kvinnojour

The purpose of this study was to examine work related stressors and related coping strategies among case managers at a domestic violence shelter in the United States. We further wanted to examine whether locus of control among the participants could be related to work related Stress and coping strategies. Qualitative interviews were performed with eight case managers to gain knowledge about the stressors and coping strategies they used by examining their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The result showed that the case managers experience a number of stressors in their work environment such as system problems (e.g., lack of re¬sources and time pressure) and emotional stress. Coping responses among the case managers included efforts to alter the problem, so called problem focused coping, efforts to control emo¬tions, so called emotions focused coping and social support from colleagues.

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